Something like this:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


My last aceo was a cute little bunny at night surrounded by cute little fireflies. So I had to go a little ugly with this one.

First, let's be clear. I am well aware that this is not a pretty aceo. This is a sticky, icky, not pretty aceo. That does not mean, however, it isn't related to the bunny aceo.

The bunny aceo is about Greensboro. This rat aceo is inspired by my previous hat-hanging locale, Brooklyn. The obvious part is the rat - you frequently see them running along the subway tracks. There's also a lot of black sticky gunk that collects on the subway platforms. I have no idea what it is. It kind of looks as like thousands of spat-out pieces of gum trod upon by gazillions of dirty shoes. That's what I was going for. A rat amidst gunk. No high-falootin' art theory here.

I think this is quite possibly the worst sales pitch in the history of ebay. Be a part of history - bid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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