Something like this:

Friday, June 09, 2006


My cat, Lucy, is annoyed. This dog, Daisy, is the source of her annoyance. I hope she doesn't hold it against me that I've depicted our new dog in this ACEO. Where's the catnip?

So this is my first time ever using watercolor pencils. I thought I'd practice my sketching, and it turned out pretty nice. So of course I thought I'd risk ruining it with a little color. While the pencil sketch looks more like her, I'm pretty pleased with the outcome of this adventure. Notice my attempt to stick with my line gimmick in the background.

Having a dog is an interesting social experiment. Everyone has advice to give. It's great meeting new people and all, especially since we moved to a town where we know absolutely nobody, but man. Needless to say, we're DVRing every Dog Whisperer episode that airs. Which irritates about 50% of our fellow dog owners. Forget Red State vs Blue State. The real battle is between the Clicker Trainers vs The Pack Theorists.

(No bidders. Son of a Daisy. If you would like to purchase this, let me know and I'll relist it on ebay.)

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