Something like this:

Saturday, October 06, 2007


If this sells at the starting bid price, it will pay for the art class I painted it in. If it sells for more, my teacher will want a cut. So you're going to have to bid really high if I'm going to make any profit. Remember, I have a cute puppy who needs me to pay for her dog food.

No pressure. I just don't want the poor dog to go hungry.


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This fellow was named by a consortium of neighborhood kids who were watching me paint in my backyard. Learning from a master, I suppose. Smart children.

This wrestler had eyebrows so bushy
They impeded his ability to see
And shaped like an egg
from head to his leg
He'd always end up on his tushy.

Not my best poem. Bid high, and maybe I could afford to go to limerick school.


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Our yard has become the gathering place for the local youths to paint, chase the dog, and play the canjo. Sure we put up a fence, but the door is open. Just not for the dog. She has to stay in the yard.

Here's some more of their latest works:

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I for one am strongly against the commercialization of Halloween. It's just wrong that such a holiday is now a marketing opportunity to hawk one's wares. I blame the evil corporations for sucking the life out of Halloween, and life itself.

Anyway, buy my Halloween card. We just bought a fence for the yard, well, actually, it's for the dog, but whatever, we're poor.


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This is the first of what I expect to be a very popular series, FAILED WRESTLERS. Here is Cap'n Combover. He was fit and skilled enough, but fans couldn't get over his poorly thought out hair structure.

"The Combover" was what he was called
Throughout his career that he brawled
When it came to hair
There wasn't much there;
He should have tried going bald.


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Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ah, the nuthatch. I finally saw one in our new yard this morning. Our new, expensive yard. I heard their distinctive call first, of course. They sound like some kind of a dog-squeeky toy.

The nuthatch is the clown of birds
With a call too goofy for words.
They honk and they squeek
With bugs in their cheek
A treat for bird watching nerds.


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While traipsing through the local park, imagine my surprise to see this image carved into a tree. I choose to be flattered instead of angry.


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I'm a big fan of alliteration. And puns. But this isn't a pun, so let's focus on alliteration for a moment, people.

I was tempted to title this one with all "K's," but decided against it as the acronym would have been inappropriate. I DON'T like acronyms.

So for those keeping score, that's yea for alliteration, yea for puns, nay for acronyms, and nay for supremacist groups. Oh, and of course yea for limericks:

There once was a kitty named Fred
Who loved nothing more than to shred
The ottoman and chair
And cover'em with hair
As he also had a habit to shed.


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Monday, September 24, 2007


Thought I'd try something different and take my sketchbook to the dirt track. I soon realized I can't draw when racing is going on, but I got a few crowd scenes worthy of sharing. The one above of a Dale Jr fan turned out pretty good; I might could turn it into an aceo. Here's another quick sketch:

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I like how this one came out like he was not a very willing subject. In reality, I don't think he noticed.


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DUDE'S HEAD #5,012

Seriously, how many dude's heads can I paint? A lot, I guess. I went with three colors on this one, with a little bit of black. No ink, just paint. I wanted to get the 3-Dness right.

A lot of my faces lately have taken on a Roman quality; not sure why. So with that in mind, I bring you:

There once was a Roman named Titus
Who rudely would never invite us
To go to his parties
Hosted at Sardi's
So that's why we tell him to "bite us!"

Tomorrow I'm painting a lady. Oh, and here's how this dude started:

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Sunday, September 23, 2007


I'm resuming my eBay art career with this guy, SINGIN' FARMER. He looks like he's off-tune, but I'm sure no one minds. He's singing

I am a man of constant sorrow
I've seen trouble all my day.
I bid farewell to old Kentucky
The place where I was born and raised.

That song was in the movie, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? which the wife and I have yet to see.

Also, I think I can tie this in with the latest ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY topic, Juggle, as I am trying to juggle owning a house for the first time, my regular job, and this art thing.


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Thursday, September 20, 2007


I should have left more white space on the nose and a few other places, but not too bad.


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What's to say? Another face. I like this one.


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I forgot my artbag one day, and had to borrow from my classmates. This one is from pastels, I think.


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Sometimes I watch art instruction videos on youtube. Here's what one of those clips taught me. Spooky looking weirdo, no?


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I'm thinking of cutting this one up to make an ACEO.


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Here's the latest from Ben. How glassy his glass looks!


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I'm back... more faces

Settling into the new house. Very exciting, but no ACEOing on eBay. But I have been going to art class, so here are some of my latest sketches.


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Thursday, August 23, 2007


This one is going into the show at the Tate Street Coffee House downtown. If it doesn't sell there, it'll go on eBay. Or my wall. It's my bird, I'll do what I want.

UPDATE: Haven't done an Illustration Friday in a while. The topic this week is VISITORS. I'd say this one is appropriate, as the red belly is one of our regular visitors to the feeder.

Speaking of visitors, we had some surprising ones in our NEW back yard - TURKEYS.


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NOT mine. Don't want to take the credit/blame. These are by Sutcliffe buddy Ben. He went to art class with me, so here are some familiar images through the eyes of a banjo player.

First, the skull:

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Next, the talking teacher:

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Where have I been? Oh, here and there. Thanks for asking.

Here's a Downy Woodpecker for your enjoyment.

Gotta go. I have a house to buy. Which I can afford, thanks to support from patrons like you.

I feel like PBS.

Except, of course, I'm not taking any public funding.

Speaking of buying a house, I've decided that Radon testing is a scam. Just saying.


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