Something like this:

Thursday, August 23, 2007


This one is going into the show at the Tate Street Coffee House downtown. If it doesn't sell there, it'll go on eBay. Or my wall. It's my bird, I'll do what I want.

UPDATE: Haven't done an Illustration Friday in a while. The topic this week is VISITORS. I'd say this one is appropriate, as the red belly is one of our regular visitors to the feeder.

Speaking of visitors, we had some surprising ones in our NEW back yard - TURKEYS.


Look here! Art to buy!

Need more wittyness? Click this VERY SENTENCE.

Bird nerds, click here.



Look here! Art to buy!

Need more wittyness? Click this VERY SENTENCE.

Bird nerds, click here.



Look here! Art to buy!

Need more wittyness? Click this VERY SENTENCE.

Bird nerds, click here.



Look here! Art to buy!

Need more wittyness? Click this VERY SENTENCE.

Bird nerds, click here.


NOT mine. Don't want to take the credit/blame. These are by Sutcliffe buddy Ben. He went to art class with me, so here are some familiar images through the eyes of a banjo player.

First, the skull:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Next, the talking teacher:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Look here! Art to buy!

Need more wittyness? Click this VERY SENTENCE.

Bird nerds, click here.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Where have I been? Oh, here and there. Thanks for asking.

Here's a Downy Woodpecker for your enjoyment.

Gotta go. I have a house to buy. Which I can afford, thanks to support from patrons like you.

I feel like PBS.

Except, of course, I'm not taking any public funding.

Speaking of buying a house, I've decided that Radon testing is a scam. Just saying.


Look here! Art to buy!

Need more wittyness? Click this VERY SENTENCE.

Bird nerds, click here.